Learn the Knowledge-language™ for planning success.
We offer strategies and tools for planning success. You can learn in your own sandbox (or with a team) on the cloud.
Online and Face-to-Face
Courses and Coaching for Managers and Professionals at your place, at our Lab and ONLINE.
Visual Training
Learn how to brainstorm and map ideas in a team or by yourself using WebIDEApro™.
Learn how to work with WebIDEApro™.
A virtual co-working space in the comfort of your home. Practice extreme teaming by connecting collaborators with diverse backgrounds and skills across organizational boundaries bringing the best out of your remote teams. WebIDEApro connects your teams so you can continue to collaborate, co-construct, manage, and track work in one easy-to-use platform, wherever you are, in your hybrid workspace.
WebIDEApro™ is a Social Enterprise 2.0 platform for business communication, collaboration, and knowledge mobilization.
The power of social tools for innovation
See how WebIDEApro™ can accelerate innovation in your team. Learn more.

Innovative Socio-Technical Solutions for the Sharing of ideas, Planning Success, and Knowledge Mobilization.
Our vision is to facilitate innovation and problem solving by providing leaders and agile organizations with the tools and methodologies that facilitate not only idea management and communication, but the growing of knowledge and the power of understanding and visualizing on your path to success.
Your needs
Match your company's present and future needs to any of our services.
KM in Action
See how your team can benefit from our Knowledge Management expertise.